domingo, 21 de junio de 2009


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Album: Doch' Lunnogo Sveta
Año: 2009
Genero: Melodic Gothic/Power Metal
País: Rusia


1. Principium et Fons
2. Hranitel' mechey (Guardian of Swords)
3. Doch' Lunnogo Sveta (Daughter of Moonlight)
4. Polnochyi gost' (Midnight Guest)
5. Pravedniki sveta (Saints of Light)
6. Doroga v Pandemonium (The Way to Pandemonium)
7. Master i Margarita (Master and Margarita)
8. Molitva (The Pray)
9. Goty idut na Rim (Goths Walk to Rome)
10. Pesni peschanyh bur' (Songs of Sandy Blizzards)

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