domingo, 15 de febrero de 2009

The Legion Of Hetheria_Choices

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Género:Symphonic Metal

Rick Loera - Lead Guitar, Vocals
Jesus Loera - Drums
Jassir Guarnero - Bass
Diana Alonso - Vocal
Jorge Alvarez - Guitar
Former/past member(s)
Ricardo Said Padilla Linares - Rhythm Guitar
Harif Hinojosa - Keyboards
Yosselin González - Vocals
Omar Rodríguez - Bass
Erick Torres - Bass
Rashid Rahal - Guitar
Angel Montagner - Rhythm Guitars
Assaid Guarnero - Keyboards
Marivi Perez - Soprano


1.- Listen And Remember (Intro)

2.- Forgotten Years

3.- Invisible Mask

4.- The Ancient Ones

5.- Wrath is Unleashed

6.- Sacrifice

7.- Der Hölle Rache (Mozart tribute)

8.- Spiritual Deceive

9.- Eyes On Me

10.- World Of Fantasy

Bonus Track:

11.- A Red Sun Rises

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